


⏰Invest 2 minutes in your wellbeing!!

If you said 'yes' to any questions

Does this sound like you?

Endlessly busy? Giving to others, while depleting yourself?

Do you sense that something is off in your world that you can't quite figure out?

Feelings of overwhelm and anxiety in taking care of everyone and everything else?

Do you feel you don’t have enough time to complete everything?

Hi, My name is Claire 👋

I’ve been in your shoes.

You are not alone. I traveled this winding road of habitual BURNOUT in my life for over 15 years until I FINALLY figured myself out through coaching.

Yes, I had tried everything: Therapy, hospitalization with severe IBS, nutritionists, acupuncture, reflexology, reiki, a year out from work, trying to get there on my own.

Have you ever wondered why we women work twice as hard for everything and give ourselves less than anyone else?

Generations of women have suffered in the effort to be it all, do it all, and have it all.

But at the cost of their own personal suffering.

It is women who hold it all together. It is women that lead the way.

Lead yourself to change. Lead yourself to a fulfilling life of balance, passion, and joy.

Don’t leave it ten years too late like I did.

Do you need to step back and
figure out how to reclaim your power for YOU?

While many high-achieving women outwardly juggle the weight of expectations and responsibilities, the emotional and mental toll remains hidden.

Suffering in silence is normal for high-achieving women.

It is hard to acknowledge that you need help!

I know; that was me too! 🙋‍♀️

If you are answering any of these questions

with a 'yes' then...



will provide you with...


Personalized Insights:

Receive tailored feedback based on your responses, granting you a clear vantage point on your current state of well-being.

Intellectual Comprehension:

Armed with the knowledge from this quiz, take control and navigate your burnout symptoms with sophistication and discernment.

Empowerment to Act:

No longer stand in the shadows of ambiguity. With clarity, discover tools to rejuvenate your life and career and cope in times of anxiety and overwhelm.

Gateway to Transformation:

This quiz is merely the stepping stone. Discover the wider universe of 'Zenyth: Back to Brilliance LIVE Masterclass'—an oasis of recovery, community, and personal growth for women like you.

Trust in Expertise:

Developed under the meticulous guidance of Life Coach Claire O'Connor, whose life narrative resonates with burnout and triumph, ensuring the quiz's efficacy and understanding.

Still wondering if this is you?

Wondering why you are feeling this way?

Discover Where You Stand in Your Burnout Journey

This in-depth burnout assessment, expertly crafted to pinpoint where you stand across the five stages of burnout. This illuminating quiz is your first step into unlocking a holistic understanding of your emotional and professional state.

⏰Invest 2 minutes in your wellbeing!

Hear it from Claire:

Having walked the tightrope of habitual burnout spanning 15 years, I recognize its subtle, gradual yet damaging nature.

The changes are so subtle at first that you hardly notice it creeping up on you. Through this quiz, I aim to offer you a mirror to self-reflect and realize.

With the insights gained here, I invite you to

embark on a transformative journey with Zenyth, empowering you to shift from burnout to brilliance.

Claire O'Connor

Empower Yourself With Insights And Ignite The Change You Deserve.

If you've ever questioned the sustainability of your current journey in life or wished for clarity in the chaos of your high-stress

professions and life in general, this quiz is your beacon.

Your Path to Transformation Starts Here

Seize this opportunity. Click the "Begin the Burnout Assessment" button to take the first decisive step in aligning your professional performance with emotional well-being.

Join the ranks of self-aware, empowered women who have transcended the boundaries of burnout to reach their personal and professional Zenyth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How long does the quiz take?

It takes 2 minutes-comprehensive and time-efficient.

Is the quiz confidential?

Absolutely. Your privacy is of utmost importance. The insights are for your eyes only.

Why should I trust this quiz?

The quiz embodies years of research and lived experience. My coaching experience in Burnout and 15 years of life experience dealing with Burnout enabled me to meticulously design the most accurate, empathetic insights into your emotional and professional state.

What happens after the quiz?

Upon completion, you'll receive immediate, personalized feedback outlining your burnout stage and offering initial guidance. This is precursor to the in-depth, twelve-week Zenyth: Back to Brilliance program, where you can unlock the full spectrum of healing and empowerment tools.

Can I retake the quiz?

Yes, the landscape of our emotional well-being is ever-changing. Feel free to retake the quiz as you progress through different stages in your career and life to recalibrate your strategies and approaches.

How long does the quiz take?

It takes 2 minutes-comprehensive and time-efficient.

Is the quiz confidential?

Absolutely. Your privacy is of utmost importance. The insights are for your eyes only.

Why should I trust this quiz?

The quiz embodies years of research and lived experience. My coaching experience in Burnout and 15 years of life experience dealing with Burnout enabled me to meticulously design the most accurate, empathetic insights into your emotional and professional state.

What happens after the quiz?

Upon completion, you'll receive immediate, personalized feedback outlining your burnout stage and offering initial guidance. This is precursor to the in-depth, twelve-week Zenyth: Back to Brilliance program, where you can unlock the full spectrum of healing and empowerment tools.

Can I retake the quiz?

Yes, the landscape of our emotional well-being is ever-changing. Feel free to retake the quiz as you progress through different stages in your career and life to recalibrate your strategies and approaches.

Take Command of Your Well-being Today

In a world that demands more, Zenyth offers you the sanctuary to elicit more from yourself—more balance, more fulfillment, and a richer tapestry of life.

This quiz is your starting point; the road to brilliance awaits.

Are You Ready To Shift From Burnout To Brilliance?

This is an invitation to take your well-being into your own capable hands, carving out the roadmap to your best self.

Make the choice to enrich your life. Make the choice for Zenyth.

Your transformative journey starts with a click.

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